
11 Steps On How To Get A Girlfriend \u2013 The Five Rule Introduction<\/h1>"},"content":{"rendered":"


Read more about how to get a girlfriend<\/a> here.<\/p>\n

Or maybe you\u2019ve found out that you want a relationship more than you want to live the bachelor lifestyle. No matter why you\u2019re reading this, we have put together this comprehensive guide for how to get a girlfriend. The principles here will help you make sure that when you find the girl of your dreams\u2026 you\u2019ll know how to get her and build the relationship you desire.<\/p>\n

You can have all the fundamentals down and be a super cool guy. But if you don\u2019t know how to fuck a girl the right way, don\u2019t expect any girls to stick around for long\u2026 at least, not any high quality girls. Flirting is the way you arouse a girl\u2019s interest and make her picture the two of you together romantically.<\/p>\n

It\u2019s important however to do it right, or else you\u2019ll come across creepy. With flirting I mean showing her clearly that you\u2019re interested. If you don\u2019t, then you risk being seen as \u201cjust a friend\u201d.<\/p>\n

Make sure you read step 3 because it\u2019s ALL about developing a social life and getting out. To overcome your introverted ways \u2013 first \u2013 figure out why you\u2019re like that, what are your fears around others, why do feel feel you need to get noticed, are you trying to please others and feel you have nothing to offer, do you not feel good enough, those are the questions you need to start asking yourself because within your personal answers is your way out. I hate to call them basics because I didn\u2019t spend years of my life alone for my plan to be reduced to basics. But there is \u201cleg work\u201d involved. You\u2019ll have to explore certain details for yourself whether it\u2019s through me or not.<\/p>\n

All conversations should eventually lead to meeting up. It\u2019s a natural progression of getting to know someone. So mind your manners and meet up for a date. For some people, waiting until they\u2019ve received certain signs are a good enough indication whether they should meet in person.<\/p>\n

18. How To Ask A Girl To Be Your Girlfriend<\/h2>\n